
Many notable people have been buried here at Glenwood Cemetery over the past decades. Some famous,some obscure.

Appealing sculptures yield treasures of artistic interest. Little stone lambs often mark the graves of infants and small children.

Some of the personal, touching stories…

  • The parents of a young man named Victor Blundon erected a monument in 1936 depicting his likeness in stone as well as that of his beloved constant companion, an Irish setter.
  • A grieving father memorialized a small daughter, Teresina Vasco, sitting in her rocking chair.
  • In the early years of the twentieth century young Daisy Sterne died in childbirth.
    For as long as he survived, her husband planted each spring a blanket of cultivated daisies on her grave along the west roadway of Section D, near North Capitol Street.
  • At regular intervals a fire engine bearing new recruits moves reverently through our gates to honor the grave of young Benjamin Greenup and visit the monument his Company erected in his memory—the first fireman killed in the line of duty in the District of Columbia (1856).

Some of the more notable names…

  • Constatino Brumidi, the Italian refugee known as “the Michelangelo of the Capitol,” proud of this United States citizenship, worked for twenty-five years adorning the rotunda, corridors, and committee rooms over five presidencies beginning with Millard Fillmore. His beautiful paintings, murals, and frescoes draw thousands of visitors annually. His devotion to his adopted country is revealed in the inscription under the photo of his grave marker.
  • Emmanual Leutze, the artist who painted “Washington Crossing the Delaware”
  • Amos Kendall, a founder of the institution we know today as Gallaudet University
  • John Luckey McCreery, author of the moving poem “There is no death; the stars go down…To rise upon some fairer shore…”
  • Everett Cooper, the first black member of the Board of Trustees of Glenwood and the first black officer to be elected president of the Policemen’s Association of the District of Columbia
  • Clarke Mills, who cast the Statue of Freedom surmounting the Capitol dome.
  • Strong John Thomson, dedicated teacher of thousands of District of Columbia boys. The public school at Twelfth and L Streets N.W. is named for him.
  • George Atzerodt, co-conspirator of John Wilkes Booth, assassin of Abraham Lincoln, is believed secretly buried in an unmarked grave
  • Ernest W. Brown, District of Columbia Police Chief, founder of the Metropolitan Police Boys’ Club, and a past president of the Board of Trustees of Glenwood Cemetery.
  • Gretchen Hood, opera star, composer. At age twenty-five, she was embraced on a spiral staircase in Parliament by an impetuous young man named Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty and very slim